miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010


Its have been a long process, too many days, a lot of hours and finally we are finishing. Maybe I never thought before that i would to have to take this asignature, english. Maybe i didn´t enjoy it at all, bur i never erally have a problem with it.

Since i was a little child i had a facility to undeertand this language, maybe i saw too many movies in english with subtitles i dont now really. Well something that obviusly helped me a lot was a english institute that i usually went. That improve my english a lot, i always was the student that have the best marks at school in english. Yes that helped me a lot, they give me a great base. But i didn´t went to many time, it was like a year maybe or two. After that i stop going at the insitute and sincerely my english worsered a lot. That hapend when you dont used a language for too many time, you forget a lot of things and maybe you can understand when someone talk to you, but is very difficult when you want to express yourself.

Here at the university i remembered a lot of things. The continued use of english language is the best form to improve and return at a good level.

Now as a student at the medicine school is necesary to have a great level of english, beacause we constantly have to read papers, write works and read more papers that are all in english. Taking presnet this is strange that just two careers have english like a obligatory course. Maybe like i sayed before i never had big problems with this asignature, but there are a lot of people with dificults to understand the english language.

So in conclusion this subject is tottaly positive and important to all of us. Like student of any profession in this days the capacity of comunicate with people of other countrys is necesary. In my case i am satisfied with this course and for the other side i´m really happy with the fact than now i wiil have mor time to sleep at the evenings.

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010


Something that i love is watch movies, but something that i love more is watch movies at the cinema !! There is something better than watch the bests especial effects in a giant screen with amazings sounds effects all arround you??. Well maybe depends on the occasion also.

Sometimes is very nice to see a movie at home with a special person and sitting comfortably in the armchair. Of course also depends on the movie that you want to see. In my opinion the movies that have better special effects than a good drama.

I have to say that I`m not a big fan of chilean films. I alway have thought that there are two things that are too exaggerated in our films: sex and insults. But i recently saw a chilean movie that i really loved. Its called "Que pena tu vida". I could not stop laughing in all the time.

But the important thing it was the perspective of the film, in my opinion it was diffferent from all the chilean movies that i had seen it before. Y really enojoy it. Maybe it was oriented to more jung people.

In conclusion i thing that it depends with who are you seen the movie and where and specially wath kind of movie is.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

work stress

In my life like a student is usually get stress because in the university is common not have time for anything more than study.
Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength.
Causes of stress can be situation of pressure like too much study, conflictive emotional relations, competitive, monotony, vocational insatisfaction, etc. Common symptoms of stress are problem desconcentration,
discouragement, irritability, anxiety, fear, obsessive thoughts, etc.
People who has weak mind and don't have the force for keep stable are the usually people that fall in depressing state that came form stressing lives.

It is too important, when you see that you are stressing, stop the thing that make you feel stressing, talk with your family or friends about your situation and that they can give you their different points of view for help you to leave this state.

The most important thing is feel you loved and supported and always do thing like recreation for desconcentrate from monotony things like the study or job.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Healthy lifstyle

We are young poeple studying in the medical school of Universidad de Chile. We are in differente careers in the health area, but this is interesting ... ¿we really have a healthy lifstyle? Maybe we dont take this so serious and we think that is not that important, but in fact it is it and a lot.
Beyond that everyone knows that have a healthy lifstyle is good, we as professionals in the health area is our responsability have a good health. It is important do a lot of ejercice, eat healthy food and the most important be happy. ¿Would not be a contradiction that a nutricionist with overweight tell his patient that he must eat more fruits and vegetables becouse hi is a little fat? Or in the same case for all the physiotherapists who works in the cardiovascular area with his patients for example.

In my opinion is not that difficult. The most important thing is have the desire and willpower to do it. Maybe the problem is leave all the junk food. Lets face it, maybe is toxic for our body, but is so delicious. But at the end is very rewarding. You feel good with yourself.

In my case the best part of have a healthy lifstyle is the sport ! Is so fun and relaxing also. Beyond that help you to be more healthy it makes you let go of stress.

I consider myself like a healthy person and I like it. Go to the gym every time I can, play soccer and eat healthy food. Although I have to recognize that is not so terrible eat junk food sometimes !

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Is not that far away

If I had to write this just a few days before maybe I had to invent a place to talk about, but now I realized that in fact I have one. Maybe I always used it when I needed it, when I need to think, to relax or when I just need to escape for everything, but I never thought in this place as my favorite get-away.

The other day I went to visit my grandparents. They live very near at my house, just a few blocks away. I was talking with my grandfather about different things, just life. And I started to look around, to appreciate this big an green area, the swimmingpool where I learned to swim, the tall trees and the soft noice they make with the pass of the pacific and warm wind wich make fall the white and pink little flowers slowly to the ground. It was so peacefull. I lived many years in that house. When I had to many problems or when I was a little sad I just go here. Sometimes I leaned on the hammock and just listened the nature.

Maybe is just a simple place for the most of people. For me is a place full of experiences. Where I grow up, where I can relax, where I can think all the things I want to and with the most tranquility at the world . Is the perfect place and the best thing is that is not that far away.

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

¿The End?

Me with a blog? Very difficult to thought before. I think that this class has taught us more than just englsih. It has been very pleasants moments. And I think that is not necesary say that is a very different and innovative way to learn english.

In my opinion I really enjoy it. At first this class didn´t have any appearance of been fun or pleasent. There was a long travel between our university and this establishment. There was a lot of claims of a lot of students. But at the end you understand thah nothing is that terrible. You always can make an other little effort. Personally I have met a lot of interesting and great people. Above all I have met a very special little woman that it has really won a little of my heart, a great friend that everyone would like to have and I hope that this frienship can last over time. That undoutbtedly is something that I won of this class.

Is has been a very innovative form to improve my english, It never cross my mind to create a blog before. Although that I´m not a great fan I can say that it has been very interesting an fun at the sime time. I hope that in the future we could continue imrpove our english in a interesting and fun way.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Preventive health

¿Isn´t it better to prevent than to cure? I think so. Obviously it is very important to be responsible and take care of the disease, have some tests and take the corresponding remedies. But even so ¿isn´t it much better to never get sick?. Well obviously sound impossible, but is not that difficult. The prevention take a very important role in the take care of health of the people and we despide this in a very bad way.
The most powerful tool to prevent any disease is inform people and let them now how to fight all kind of sickness. Here the people who work in the field of health must have an active labor, almoust in the prevention. This responsability is not just to cure, but also inform patients of how take care when even they are healthy. Of course is a permanent resposability and we don´t have to just worry when we are sick.
The information about how to prevent exists in a wide range in all the communications media like internet, radio, and above all television. Also the government plays a big role. Inform to the people in masive way and here we can find more recurrent and importan sickness.
Talking about doctors, midwives or physical therapist just can make a individual work. Jus with the patient. But the government have an important role with the all country.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

A endless fight

A very delicated matter. Who never listened before multiple phrases in fights about "we are so much better" or "we are te strong gender". ¿We need to be better than women or men? ¿Is not a little ridiculous?.

Is very important to recognize the male chauvinism that prevail many years and affected to billions of women including our mothers, aunts or grandmothers.But it cost not many years for the women to enter to the male sexism world and take a very important role in this "men society". This "battle" to be equal to men, even be better than them, is not yet accomplish. The male chauvinism is still latent. There exist a lot of injustice against women including the femicide. In my opinnion this is a insolite result of the liberation of women.

I disagree with the total equality of the women and men. Maybe is a little bipolar. ¿We are equal?. Is important to be reconigzed as individuals with equals rigths and capacities, but we are very different. We think, act and we behave different so is importan to understand and recognized us like different beings.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

web site! it´s so much fun!

I think that an important web site to visit for all the kinesiologist is the physical therapy college. I really never had visited before because I never had the time. Ok maybe never cross my mind the idea to visit this web site, but now is a good time to do it for a first time and I invite all the people, especially kinesiologist, to visit it. Now talking about de web site you can do a lot of stufs like enter at the link of "Quienes somos" and read the mision and vision of the college. Yes, although you can´t believe it you can do that. Also you can enter to the "Biblioteca" put your RUT and your password and read a lot of things. Well I suppose it works in that way. I never had entered before. Well you have a lot of links, I think the most important links maybe are "Quienes somos" and "Regionales" where you can visit all the other regionals counsils in our country like in Arica, Iquique, etc. I really have enjoyed visiting this web site I hope you too!! I leave this link and I hope you enter some time!


miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010


No, I´m not that interesting. If I have to talk about my hobbies maybe the only thing that I have to name are sports. I just can´t avoid it, I love sport. Maybe becose is the strongest links that I have with my father. He love soccer. When I just was a little boy I had my first kicks and matches with him, he taught me everything about soccer and I think like every father was one of the thinks that make him proud, look at his son like a big soccer player. I can´t lie I will loved to be a soccer player, even I tried a few times, but now is just a frustrated dream. Now every time I can I tray to make me the time to play some matchhes with my friends sometimes even with my father and his friends. In a time not to long ago I used to cycling. Every sunday morning me and my fahter went to The Viscachas and in the traditional route we used to past to take a big cold pitcher of mote con huesillo.
I don´t know how this hobbie affected me on my personality. Maybe this helped me in my relationship with my father which is crearly marked by sports. Also a positive thing is that I meet and I get to know very different people, like in the school, who now the most are very close friends.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

A horrible nigth.

It was a february 27th. One of the worst events happened in the history of our country. In my case I was really lucky, no one of my family or friends or close persons died or have a healthy problem , my house didn´t have any structural problem, I didn´t have to steal to survive. But there are a thousand of peopple that didn´t have this luck and I think, like a lot of other peopple, this disaster and this pain hit us all the Chilean people. Even people like me, very very lucky.
In my case that nigth just about standing and watching all arround me and at the same time I didn´t understand any of it. I Just remember being hugged with my parents and my little brother outside the main door watching the trees and the poles moving in an imposible way, the car jumping in the air like a simple toy and the city with different colour explossions on it.

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Post n°1

Hi I´m Camilo Zapata, student of physical terapy of the Universidad de Chile. I´m 19 years old, I live in La Llorida, Santiago, Chile. This is my first blogg so I don´t have any idea of how this thing works but I´m really excited making this. I think this could be a very good tool for improve our english, so I will try to put all my effort on this. Good luck to all my classmates!.