miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

web site! it´s so much fun!

I think that an important web site to visit for all the kinesiologist is the physical therapy college. I really never had visited before because I never had the time. Ok maybe never cross my mind the idea to visit this web site, but now is a good time to do it for a first time and I invite all the people, especially kinesiologist, to visit it. Now talking about de web site you can do a lot of stufs like enter at the link of "Quienes somos" and read the mision and vision of the college. Yes, although you can´t believe it you can do that. Also you can enter to the "Biblioteca" put your RUT and your password and read a lot of things. Well I suppose it works in that way. I never had entered before. Well you have a lot of links, I think the most important links maybe are "Quienes somos" and "Regionales" where you can visit all the other regionals counsils in our country like in Arica, Iquique, etc. I really have enjoyed visiting this web site I hope you too!! I leave this link and I hope you enter some time!


5 comentarios:

  1. I used that web side too!
    This is too fun.

  2. i love this page!! it's really cool! i hope one day i can be part of "coelgiodekinesiologos".. it will be very nice!
    good luck camailo!

  3. you look that site too!! ooo i think that i was the only one!
    take care bye

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. You describes the page as it was the best, i'm going to enter know to see it...
