miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

¿The End?

Me with a blog? Very difficult to thought before. I think that this class has taught us more than just englsih. It has been very pleasants moments. And I think that is not necesary say that is a very different and innovative way to learn english.

In my opinion I really enjoy it. At first this class didn´t have any appearance of been fun or pleasent. There was a long travel between our university and this establishment. There was a lot of claims of a lot of students. But at the end you understand thah nothing is that terrible. You always can make an other little effort. Personally I have met a lot of interesting and great people. Above all I have met a very special little woman that it has really won a little of my heart, a great friend that everyone would like to have and I hope that this frienship can last over time. That undoutbtedly is something that I won of this class.

Is has been a very innovative form to improve my english, It never cross my mind to create a blog before. Although that I´m not a great fan I can say that it has been very interesting an fun at the sime time. I hope that in the future we could continue imrpove our english in a interesting and fun way.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Preventive health

¿Isn´t it better to prevent than to cure? I think so. Obviously it is very important to be responsible and take care of the disease, have some tests and take the corresponding remedies. But even so ¿isn´t it much better to never get sick?. Well obviously sound impossible, but is not that difficult. The prevention take a very important role in the take care of health of the people and we despide this in a very bad way.
The most powerful tool to prevent any disease is inform people and let them now how to fight all kind of sickness. Here the people who work in the field of health must have an active labor, almoust in the prevention. This responsability is not just to cure, but also inform patients of how take care when even they are healthy. Of course is a permanent resposability and we don´t have to just worry when we are sick.
The information about how to prevent exists in a wide range in all the communications media like internet, radio, and above all television. Also the government plays a big role. Inform to the people in masive way and here we can find more recurrent and importan sickness.
Talking about doctors, midwives or physical therapist just can make a individual work. Jus with the patient. But the government have an important role with the all country.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

A endless fight

A very delicated matter. Who never listened before multiple phrases in fights about "we are so much better" or "we are te strong gender". ¿We need to be better than women or men? ¿Is not a little ridiculous?.

Is very important to recognize the male chauvinism that prevail many years and affected to billions of women including our mothers, aunts or grandmothers.But it cost not many years for the women to enter to the male sexism world and take a very important role in this "men society". This "battle" to be equal to men, even be better than them, is not yet accomplish. The male chauvinism is still latent. There exist a lot of injustice against women including the femicide. In my opinnion this is a insolite result of the liberation of women.

I disagree with the total equality of the women and men. Maybe is a little bipolar. ¿We are equal?. Is important to be reconigzed as individuals with equals rigths and capacities, but we are very different. We think, act and we behave different so is importan to understand and recognized us like different beings.