miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

web site! it´s so much fun!

I think that an important web site to visit for all the kinesiologist is the physical therapy college. I really never had visited before because I never had the time. Ok maybe never cross my mind the idea to visit this web site, but now is a good time to do it for a first time and I invite all the people, especially kinesiologist, to visit it. Now talking about de web site you can do a lot of stufs like enter at the link of "Quienes somos" and read the mision and vision of the college. Yes, although you can´t believe it you can do that. Also you can enter to the "Biblioteca" put your RUT and your password and read a lot of things. Well I suppose it works in that way. I never had entered before. Well you have a lot of links, I think the most important links maybe are "Quienes somos" and "Regionales" where you can visit all the other regionals counsils in our country like in Arica, Iquique, etc. I really have enjoyed visiting this web site I hope you too!! I leave this link and I hope you enter some time!
