miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010


Its have been a long process, too many days, a lot of hours and finally we are finishing. Maybe I never thought before that i would to have to take this asignature, english. Maybe i didn´t enjoy it at all, bur i never erally have a problem with it.

Since i was a little child i had a facility to undeertand this language, maybe i saw too many movies in english with subtitles i dont now really. Well something that obviusly helped me a lot was a english institute that i usually went. That improve my english a lot, i always was the student that have the best marks at school in english. Yes that helped me a lot, they give me a great base. But i didn´t went to many time, it was like a year maybe or two. After that i stop going at the insitute and sincerely my english worsered a lot. That hapend when you dont used a language for too many time, you forget a lot of things and maybe you can understand when someone talk to you, but is very difficult when you want to express yourself.

Here at the university i remembered a lot of things. The continued use of english language is the best form to improve and return at a good level.

Now as a student at the medicine school is necesary to have a great level of english, beacause we constantly have to read papers, write works and read more papers that are all in english. Taking presnet this is strange that just two careers have english like a obligatory course. Maybe like i sayed before i never had big problems with this asignature, but there are a lot of people with dificults to understand the english language.

So in conclusion this subject is tottaly positive and important to all of us. Like student of any profession in this days the capacity of comunicate with people of other countrys is necesary. In my case i am satisfied with this course and for the other side i´m really happy with the fact than now i wiil have mor time to sleep at the evenings.

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010


Something that i love is watch movies, but something that i love more is watch movies at the cinema !! There is something better than watch the bests especial effects in a giant screen with amazings sounds effects all arround you??. Well maybe depends on the occasion also.

Sometimes is very nice to see a movie at home with a special person and sitting comfortably in the armchair. Of course also depends on the movie that you want to see. In my opinion the movies that have better special effects than a good drama.

I have to say that I`m not a big fan of chilean films. I alway have thought that there are two things that are too exaggerated in our films: sex and insults. But i recently saw a chilean movie that i really loved. Its called "Que pena tu vida". I could not stop laughing in all the time.

But the important thing it was the perspective of the film, in my opinion it was diffferent from all the chilean movies that i had seen it before. Y really enojoy it. Maybe it was oriented to more jung people.

In conclusion i thing that it depends with who are you seen the movie and where and specially wath kind of movie is.